I’m a Word witch with photography in my DNA, and a Creator leveraging emotions

From freezing moments in time to bringing a written story to life, my soul language is creation, and it creates to inspire.
I write about the real, the raw, the dreams, the adventures, the heartache.
I share the good, the bad, the fun, the chaos.
I honor the storms and drop anchor.
I weather the darkness and fight for light.
I seek guidance from my spirit guide team, and work to live stoically.
I seek a place somewhere between
Water and Fire, Earth and Air.
A place here nothing makes sense,
yet everything seems right.

She/Her/Hers. Human. Wife. Mother. Storyteller. Creator. Adventurer. Photographer. Writer. LGBTQ+ Ally. BIPOC Ally.

I am Unapologetically me

Super powers

Solving problems, finding solutions. Oh, and the pure belief that everything is possible.


Just Keep Swimming
You do you, boo-boo
Adventure on with Curiosity
Positive Vibes (and Fun Times)
Why choose?

Meaning of life

To connect, to inspire, to empathize, to live, to love, to laugh, to be unapologetically me, to have fun.

I specialize in weaving my adventures, curiosity, positive vibes, and mental health battles with vivid photographs and the written word. I know my writing isn’t for everyone. But I hope the one who needs my words, finds my words.

I have had to battle depression, chronic migraines, adhd, obesity, anxiety, and PTSD over the years. I have survived some pretty hard almost life-ending mental healths. And I have learned quite a few life lessons along the way.

One of my favorite life lessons is that it is important to stay present, but it is equally as important to dream.

One moment, one photo, one step, one battle, one sunrise, one story, one dream at a time. Because sometimes, it’s only those dreams that get us to the next sunrise.

Couple my daily battles with those of my amazing kiddos, the struggle is real. Parent or not, you are not alone.